Life Insurance

There are only two categories of life insurance plans.

Term Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance provides a death benefit for a limited period of time. Term insurance is only good for a period of time, because it has a TERMination date. Term insurance is typically the cheapest type of life insurance, which makes it attractive; however, it only pays if the insurer dies during the policy term. We have TERM policies that strictly provide a DEATH beneift. Consider adding RIDERS that can add LIVINGS benefits.

Permanent Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance (also known as permanent life insurance) provides death benefits for the entire life of the insured. With a few exceptions, like not paying the premium to cover your contract, your policy cannot be canceled by the carrier once you have been approved for the coverage. Whole Life insurance builds cash at a fixed rate determined by the insurer at the time of purchase. The insurer can borrow against the cash value in the form of a loan for any purpose. This reduces the death benefit and available cash surrender value.

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How Much Life Insurance Should I Have?

  • L is for Liabilities

    Will your family need to pay off a mortgage, car loan or other debt?

    Calculate your outstanding debt that your surviving spouse and children would be responsible for in the event of your death.

  • F is for Final Expenses

    Do you have the liquid resources to cover funeral expenses within 3-5 days of your death?

    Final expenses include funeral costs, unpaid medical bills, and expenses that occurred due to your death.

    The average cost of a funeral is $12,000-$15,000 depending on where you live. Historically, funeral costs have doubled every 20 years.

  • I is for Income

    Will your family need to replace your income?

    Multiply your annual income by 2-3 years. Stay-at-home parents should calculate child care expenses that would be required if the care provider spouse dies.

  • E is for Education, Emergencies and Everything Else

    Do you have $36,436 per year per child to attend college?

    That's $145,744 for a four-year college tuition and expenses.

    What about unexpected emergencies and other expenses?

    Extracurricular activities for your children; Future car purchases for your spouse and children.

Two types, but a zillion options!

Don't worry! Your won't be quizzed on this information, but our licensed agents are required to know the difference in all of these policies variations.

If you are interested in knowing some key features and differences in the types of life policies we offer, read on.

Rather than overwhelming you with too much information, you can call and speak to our agents. The agent will do a Needs Assessment with you to determine if these products will interest you and aline with your coverage goals.

  • Budget-Friendly

    Term Life

    Term Life Insurance provides a death benefit for a limited period of time. Term Life insurance policies are often sold in 10, 20 and 30 year coverage periods. It is very important that you understand that the policy will terminate. Some policies have wording that allows you to renew or convert your policy to whole life. Term Life policies can include riders that have return of premium benefits that pay you back the money you paid in WITHOUT interest. Term policies are great to have as layers to other policies. Raising a family is expensive for 20-25 years. Term Life can be budget-friendly for that period of time.

  • Builds Cash Value

    Whole Life

    Depending on your age and health status, there are multiple types of policies that will cover your whole life. Simplified Issue, Guaranteed Issue and Paid Up Policies. Basically they provide your beneficiaries with your final expense coverage and can be built to provide more that you can access the benefits while you are alive. Whole Life policies often have policy RIDERS that provide specific features like waiver of liability, child riders, accidental death, accelerated death and so many more.

  • Builds Cash and Compounds Interest

    Indexed and Variable Universal Life

    Universal Life is a type of Permanent Life insurance that protects your whole life, you pay a monthly fee that splits into two parts: One covers life insurance and the other goes into savings and investment. It's meant to be more flexible by allowing you, the policy holder, to choose how much premium you pay within a certain range. These policies often have riders or additional benefits that can be added on to protect you and your family from financial hardship.

    Indexed Universal Life and Variable Universal Life policies can be a great way to build wealth today and wealth for your legacy.

  • Protects Savings and Pays Retirement Income

    Annuities and Retirement Income

    Protect your hard-earned savings and ensure a steady income during your retirement with our investment annuity products. Annuities often require a large initial payment to invest. Typically annuities should be started after you have reached an age when you are ready to protect your money from risky investments (50 years old is a good rule of thumb.) Annuities generate interest and grow by compounding the interest. There are timeframes set by the insurance company that limit your access to your money. They institute limitations on the amount of money that can be borrowed from the annuity. It is very important you talk with one of our knowledgeable agents to make sure you invest your money into the right annuity.

  • Affordable Protection

    Mortgage Protection

    Mortgage Protection is an affordable life insurance that covers your mortgage payments. Buying a home is a major financial commitment. Depending on the loan you choose, you might be committing to 15-30 years of mortgage payments. Some Mortgage Protection policies require proof of a mortgage. These policies are meant to pay off your mortgage when you die. It is important to make sure your family has a place to live. Some of these policies have riders that can be beneficial like return of premium once the policy terminates. Waiver of premium riders are a valuable addition for Mortgage Protection. It will pay your premium in the event you become disabled.

  • Protect Your Spouse

    Social Security Income Protection

    At some point in our life, we will be in our golden years. As Americans, we enjoy the benefit of Social Security Income when we become aged or disabled. Many senior citizens live on a dual fixed income only coming from Social Security. Income protection is important when you are no longer able to work. Protect your spouse after you die...your spouse will only get to keep the larger of the two monthly Social Security payments and the remaining smaller payment goes away. This could be the difference of losing up to 50% of your income when you need it the most.

Product Spotlight

It's called Life Insurance! Make sure your policies can benefit you while you are alive. Indexed Universal Life (IUL) policies grow with compounded interest. When choosing any life insurance, make sure your policies have Accelerated Death Benefits (ADB), paid out in the event of a chronic illness such as Cancer or Alzheimer's Disease.
Indexed Universal Life Investment

Indexed Universal Life Investments (IUL)Secure your future. Create wealth that is safe from market fluctuations

Explore our range of IUL investment products that can help you secure your financial future, provide a Tax-Free retirement, while having access to your money while it grows. If you have heard about INFINITE Banking, this is the product you need to learn about.

Talk to an agent

Accelerated Death Benefit Rider (ADB)Living Benefits

An ADB is a life insurance policy add-on or RIDER that allows you to access your policy's death benefit before you die if you're diagnosed with a qualifying serious illness. If you are predisposed to cancer, stroke or Alheimezer's Disease, make sure your policy is set up to advance 50-90% of your death benefit before you pass.

Get Me The Best Price

Protecting your family is our top priority. Life is unpredictable, but with our insurance plans, you can have peace of mind knowing that your loved ones are taken care of.
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