For the first three years as an insurance agent, I did the traditional prospecting, beat-the-streets cold calling, Meet and Greet Lunch and Learns to make a name for myself as a knowledgeable agent. I offered strictly Supplemental Health Insurance and Life Insurance policies as benefits to an employee benefit plan.
I've talked to hundreds of people during enrollments and provided them sound recommendations on the few products I had to offer. Sometimes, it was the only time anyone ever sat down to show them what was available and how it worked! I was asked so many times.... Well do you have Health Insurance that doesn't take my whole paycheck?
Through my travels as an agent representing a single company, I learned that what I had was limiting my ability to help people with what they truly needed... more options that were affordable and easy to use WHILE THEY WERE ALIVE! They needed an advocate to help them understand that there are unique ways to achieve the goal of maintaining a healthy life and secure a bright financial future with health and life insurance products.
I began talking to brokers that offered an array of products and services and became intrigued by their ability to make a comprehensive and affordable insurance package. Yet, they were still expensive.
It's exciting to have broken out of the small mold I was in. I'm excited to say that I've broken out of the confines of basic plans that offered limited protection, in a very narrow scope.
My plan now is to let everyone know that better solutions exist.
Step one, create a website... DONE! Very easily, I must say, with Unicorn Platform! Step two, blog about the products that I have found to be excellent. Step three ramp up the social media outreach to inform people that the Affordable Care Act is NOT SO AFFORDABLE for some people. And step four, keep my customers and prospects who don't use social media abreast of the changes in healthcare, health insurance, new products with better prices, life insurance with living benefits and investment life products that grow with compounding interest and safeguard your money with secure floors that will make your 401K cry on a sunny day.
If you are on social media... Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok or YouTube, you will see a variety of ADVIRTISEMENTS that offer very little insight. And then you will see content that hooks you and draws you in to dig deeper to expand your understanding of financial welfare and the protection we need in today's every-changing economy.
I have to brag on a product add-on I found for email and text communications. It's call cloudHQ. I was able to drag and drop content into my GMAIL account with ease. Like a teenager navigating a smart phone through five apps in 30 seconds!
I was able to upload my own pictures that went with my content and search through a huge library of vibrant pictures cloudHQ provided in their template maker. Be on the lookout for some of the cool ways I can send emails with cloudHQ that are rich with video, links to learn more, schedule appointments and redirect you to needed forms to complete. I absolutely love the fact I can write a few words and the AI tool will create exactly what my message is trying to convey along with an eye-catching picture I didn't have to search for.
If I'm going to learn something new, I want resources to fact check and facilitate ways I can replay and return to reference it again. I want the latest and greatest new products to choose from. Be on the lookout for my CloudHQ generated emails full of easy tools to learn and grow. Even better, I can rest assured knowing that it's backed by Google secure delivery and cloudHQ provides me feedback to make sure I don't mess up!
The analytics tools let me know when I have created a successful tool and if it was delivered. CloudHQ allows multiple users to collaborate on my Google Workspace. I don't have to teach anyone new tricks on a different software or create new logins and hope they use it. I can see all of the activities right inside of my GMAIL email and Google Drive as an ADMIN.
CloudHQ allows me to send messages to my customers via text message as well. And I don't have to copy-paste-send-copy-paste-send anymore! Text campaigns are so useful when deadlines are approaching. You definitely don't want to limit an urgent message of great importance like enrollment deadline reminders or premium due dates sitting an email. CloudHQ provides me the ability to communicate with all of my customers on a large scale quickly and easily.
Stay Tuned for the latest and greatest communication and content! I'm here as INSURANCE LADY, Sabrina, Bird Dogging the very best coverage and tools to keep you informed!